Apparently our Singapore brothers are also fed up with the ruling party PAP. And SDP is organising a Protest Rally - asking everyone to wear RED.
Pseudonymity said:
"Our elderly poor continue to break their backs just to eke out a miserable existence. Many cannot even afford three square meals, some even having to live off scraps on hawker centre tables.
The PAP's young, arrogant, and heartless ministers then tell them that they should forget about retiring.
What about our workers? They are made to work harder and longer, and for less pay. Many of them have to sign contracts that don't allow medical leave, no bonuses, and demand 72-hour-work weeks.
They have no unions to speak for them as the NTUC is headed by a PAP minister.The problem is worsened by the indiscriminate taking in of foreign workers to compete with Singaporeans to suppress wages."
Despite all of this, the ministers brazenly help themselves to an 85 percent increase in salaries last year with the prime minister paying himself more than $300,000 a month!
The PAP is like a grotesque monkey on our backs, keeping Singaporeans bent and strangulated."
Sounds like a wave of unrest may rise from the south in Singapore. They have different issues from us, yet there is a sense that the majority are now fed up with Political Elitism, just like us.
When a government holds on to power for too long, like in Malaysia, it ends up self-serving and oppressive.
I suppose SDP is hoping that many Singaporeans will paint the city RED, just like we painted the streets of KL Yellow on 10 November.
As much as they are "Kiasu" (unwilling to lose) I hope they are not "Kiasi" (afraid to die). If their Kiasi-ness is greater than their yearning for change then, sorry-lah not many will show up in RED.
No use lah, these Singaporeans really boh lampar.
Cannot compare to Malaysians and PAP are worse than Umno people.
Scums in gentlemen suit.
The difference between PAP and UMNO is PAP are highly educated and scheming politicians, but share equally ambitious vicious intent on power.
First class infra, 3rd world mentality. Educated Chinese in Nazi suits.
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