In case you didn't know Avril will not be in Malaysia and you can blame that on our Islamic Government.
Read AP news here.
"The Arts, Culture and Heritage Ministry said it had decided not to permit Lavigne's show because it was unsuitable to Malaysian culture and could not be held on Aug. 29, two days ahead of independence day."I suppose what is suitable for Malaysian culture is exposing "sodomy" on national media for kids to learn about it?
"Malaysia requires all performers to wear clothes without obscene or drug-related images and be covered from the chest to the knees. They must also refrain from jumping, shouting, hugging and kissing on stage" claims the report.
So I suppose our local rock bands - don't jump, don't shout on stage? No wonder the local bands are not popular!
"We don't want our people, our teenagers, influenced by their performance. We want clean artists, artists that are good role models," he said.Yeah, we not only want clean artists on stage, more importantly we also want clean politicians in the parliament.
Yeah, you politicians better be good role model if you insist the artists to be one! Funny how our politicians tend to forget about their own responsibilities, yeah?
By the same reasoning, since they are now baning artists who are not good role models for our kids, they should also ban football on TV because players like Ronaldo and Rooney are really bad role models for sleeping with hookers, using foul language, and for unsporting behavior on the field etc.
Why dont cha ban the Premier League too!?
Technorati Tags: Avril Lavine, Malaysia, Concert Cancelled
2 Responses to "I am Too Sexy for Malaysia"
We have lots of shallow folks here, though I'm guessing the real reason for the cancellation could be the date, i.e. too close to the national day.
I think they suggested to Avril mgmt to choose but she decides not too as she schedule is full.
Whatever the reason, PAS fellas are dimwits.
Pussy cat also can why not her ?
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