The sickening picture above makes me mourn. Being a father, I know how precious is my child to me. Each one of these kids are a son or daughter of a parent. It is too painful to imagine the agony of a loss of a child.
More than 12 days after the deadly Nargis tore apart Myanmar's 5 million inhabitants, hundreds of thousands are feared to be dead and the death toll according to estimates could reach 2.5 million in days to come if AID does not reach the survivors. People are literally dying of hunger and disease.
I wrote to my pals in an email a few days after the 3 May asking the question why aren't our local media pushing for donations and Asean pressuring the Myanmar Junta to open its borders for foreign help. It took more than 10 days and thousands of loss lives for our foreign ministers to just meet up to discuss. It took the same number of days for the local press to pay lip service to raising donations. Why not the same level of passion or compassion shown during the Tsunami disaster in Aceh? This disaster is going to be worst than Tsunami if the International community remains passive.
The Military Junta lead by greedy generals (who are apparently former monks!) have displayed to the world such disdain to human lives. They rather blocked aid and let the children die. One question their motive of going ahead with a referendum despite the disaster and their lack of initiative to quickly send troops out to help with the victims.
If there is a time for the UN to activate Chapter VII of their charter it is now.
Read this: for the case for intervention
And Time's: Is it Time to Invade Burma?
Do you think that in this instance, it would be justified for the UN to attack Myanmar to save it from its military regime?
Technorati Tags: myanmar, UN, UN Chapter VII, cyclone Nargis, Aid, Attack Myanmar, Humanitarian
2 Responses to "Declaring War to Save Myanmar"
Yes, I also want to see the evil regime of the SLORC removed and a democratic government installed.
By right, Aung San Suu Kyi's NLD should be the government since it won the election.
However, war & invasion is a very dangerous thing -- see what happened when USA invaded and removed the evil regime of Saddam in Iraq.
We all know that Myanmar is a sovereign nation that needs to be respected by the international community. But what we have here is a military junta that suppresses its own people brutally.
If the UN can pass a resolution to declare war on the regime, i'm all for it. But we have to exercise caution that it will not jeopardize the safety of its innocent civilians.
There is a time for everything, there is also a time for war on injustices, especially when civilians are brutally oppressed and have no voice..
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